Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin carving!!!

This is the evil nurse pumpkin that Mitchell and I created. We realized that it kind of looks like me--I guess that's a bad thing...? Anyway, for better or for worse, the pumpkin was "too good-looking" according to Nathan.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

General Conference and Christina's B-day

So we all got together for General Conference on Sunday to have fun and to make Christina's B-day special. We had a magical breakfast and then after the morning session we had Grandma B's famous chicken salad sandwich spread. While Megan was overseeing the fixing of lunch Christina and Nathan serenaded the group (don't worry, it didn't sound as good as it looked and it looked great)

Kendra's B-day Pig!

Kendra had a Birthday this last month! (We were told it was "Golden" and it was)
Materials by: Christina and Nathan
Design by: Christina and Mitchell
Execution: Christina, all Christina

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Nathan Goes to Shows!

There it is, second from the back. The light blue bug is mine. My Volkswagen club sponsored a car show a few weeks ago. Our show is in it's 10th year. I showed up to help with managing traffic and registering entrants. It was a lot of fun. We had a live band and more than 67 cars come. If you ever want to come to club night, let me know! You can come see what the v-dub scene is all about.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Top Ten Best Things About the Ely Family Reunion

Well, we had our Fourth of July Ely Bohn Family Reunion this past weekend. This is my reunion top ten in no particular order. Feel free to add to the list cousins!

1. Grandpa Bohn absolutely loved the shirt Nathan and Megan designed and we heard he was showing it to everyone in Logandale!
2. I got to sleep on the trampoline with Marci (I still can't figure out why no one else was vying for a spot on it....)
3. Waiting in the car for a few minutes in Kent and Sandra's driveway so Miles, Kendra, and I could trick everyone into thinking I wasn't coming until Saturday. (Yeah, I know that one didn't quite work out, but i still got a kick out of it)
4. Getting in touch with nature during the hike.
5. Watching Nathan whomp (is that a word?) through a meadow like a mountain troll after the hike. He thought he was frolicking.
6. Winning Phase 10 after 19 arduous rounds.
7. Being introduced to Grandma Bohn's chocolate pillows. They changed my life.
8. Seth bearing his testimony in 20 seconds flat.
9. Eating Kent's amazing strawberry-rhubarb pie at midnight approx.
10. Eating ice cream with Sandra, Megan, and Seth in the condo when everyone else was at the fireworks display.
11. Geo-cashing. Well, I had mixed feelings about this because Pat kept saying we failed. But, I still had fun.
12. Holding Lee and Ruth's sleeping babies.

I love you all!!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ely Tour #2

These are the coke ovens, which require 35 cords of wood....that's what the sign said. We climbed up them. That was the easy part--getting down was a struggle at least for Christina.

If you are ever looking for hours of fun, go to a mine shaft and drop things down it. It's addicting.

Where did it go?

All the metal things we found to drop. We figured they would be noisier. More noise=more fun!

If you are ever looking for 15 minutes of fun, go to the Taylorsville Cemetery. You will never find a more captivating series of ply wood tombstones. Not to mention the log book that told us how the people buried there died. We were a little confused when we read "Double homicide with a Mexican."

Ahhh Cave Lake--so much natural beauty (see above photo).

What Happens in Ely, Stays in Ely April 2008

So the majority of the 17 of us went to Ely in April when Tyler got back from his mission. It was Christina's first time in Ely, so everyone got the grand tour, thanks to Nathan aka Ely historian (whether the facts are true or not).

Our first stop was Ruth, the ghost town down the road from Ely. We found a lot of obscure, fascinating things to play with and prayed we would not get tetanus or lice.

This is the historic Liberty Pit where Nathan worked for an entire summer, and Tyler worked for two days. Nathan was a sparky (do we want to know what that means?)

This is one of the tires that gets worn out on the mine trucks, and then gets recycled on children's playgrounds.

Two words: sketchy hotel. It is a historic Nevada landmark since 1929 and used to be the tallest building in Nevada. We ate there one night at about 11. The food was questionable (but isn't usually), but we had a great time. We sat in the Will Rogers booth and saw a giant snake skin...and a lot of slot machines.